Easiest Way to Cook Perfect Boudin stuffed chicken breast

Boudin stuffed chicken breast.

Boudin stuffed chicken breast You can cook Boudin stuffed chicken breast using 5 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients of Boudin stuffed chicken breast

  1. You need of Chicken breasts spilt.
  2. It's of Boudin links casin removed.
  3. It's of Thick cut bacon (peppered).
  4. It's of Your favorite cajun rub. (Slap you mamas is my favorite).
  5. You need of Brown sugar.

Boudin stuffed chicken breast instructions

  1. In a big bowl mix brown sugar and how ever much spice you like of cajun rub. Toss in bacon strips usually 2 strips per breast. Toss to coat bacon. Set a side.
  2. Split chicken breast without cutting the sides completely so it forms a pocket. Stuff with boudin you removed from casin. Dust the chicken with the cajun rub..
  3. Wrap the bacon strips around chicken. You can secure it with a cut skewer or wrap with butcher twine..
  4. Put in shallow oven dish and cook at 350 until internal temp is safe. Last 10 minutes of the cook sprinkle more sugar mix over the chicken. It will caramelize. Becareful not to let it burn..

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